Leïla Bekhti and Tahar Rahim as a couple: their attraction was immediate, she says

It has now been 13 years since Leïla Bekhti and Tahar Rahim met on the set of the film a prophet, directed by Jacques Audiard. If the two actors took their time to really start a romantic relationship, their connection was almost instantaneous. This is what the actress confided in an interview with Paris Matchin June 2021…

When starting the filming ofa prophet in 2008, Leïla Bekhti was then 24 years old and was still a beginner but promising actress, with remarkable appearances in Sheitan, Paris I love you, Bad faith or dolls and angelsa film for which she was shortlisted for the César. I have come to the end [du tournage, NDLR], and he was super kind to me. I noticed that we did not leave each other indifferentbut we weren’t in the mood for thatshe remembered Paris Match. We took our time, as if we wanted to patiently begin a beautiful story that would be the ultimate. Feeling more free with Tahar than alone, what could be stronger?

Not only did Leïla Bekhti find love on this shoot, but her role as Djamila gave her a nice spotlight. With the film crew, she made her very first climb of the steps at Cannes in 2009, before leaving with the Grand Jury Prize (see slideshow). While seeing her acting career take off, Leïla Bekhti married Tahar Rahim in 2010. Seven years later, the couple’s first child was born: a boy named Souleiman.

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