“Légumaniaque”, the inescapable vegetable recipes of Sylvia Gabet

We are often told about seasonality, the interest of consuming seasonal vegetables for their taste and their benefits, but also for their accessibility: the seasonal vegetables found on our markets are often produced by local producers.

But when it comes to cooking them, we quickly made the rounds. We always cook the same and we don’t know how to cook the others: those we know less or not at all!

To vegetate your plate, Sylvia Gabet, the “popess of easy and fun cooking” has just published “Légumaniaque”, a book with Ed. de La Martinière, which presents more than 200 varieties of vegetables broken down into 230 recipes, which are prepared in less than 20 minutes. Balanced recipes, vegetable but not strictly vegetarian, with anti-waste tips and original combinations of tastes, without mixing the seasons in the same dish!

With Sylvia Gabet, cooking vegetables will now be stupid as cabbage!

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