Lego Masters: A winner condemned by justice

This time, it is not for his talents that he is talked about but for a dark case of defamation. Thursday January 6, 2022, Sébastien Mauvais was found guilty of this count by the court of Fontainebleau (Seine-et-Marne). It was recognized that the winner of the first season of Lego Masters (M6, 2020) and founder of Power Brick was the author of the Facebook page Montereau is told to you, through which he mainly attacked James Chéron, outgoing and re-elected mayor of the commune of Seine-et-Marne.

As relayed The Parisian, a publication of February 21, 2021, affirmed for example that the politician had used a car from the town hall to make a private trip of several kilometers, while using the gas card attached to the vehicle. Yet surveillance cameras proved the car had never been moved. James Chéron then went to court and the president of the Paris judicial court approached Facebook to obtain the phone number of the culprit. A phone number that matched that of Sébastien Mauvais.

During his hearing which took place on December 6, the 48-year-old Lego champion formally denied the charges against him, explaining that his phone had been stolen at the time of the facts. What did not convince. “Our action with Facebook makes sense since it is on the basis of this data that he was condemned. We are facing someone who does not assume to have created a page to say anything but the court is convinced that it is him“, declared Me Romain Darrière.

The Fontainebleau court has in fact decided to condemn Sébastien Mauvais for defamation. He must pay James Chéron 400 euros in damages and pay 1,500 euros in legal fees, as well as a 500 euros suspended fine. An important verdict according to the re-elected mayor. “This is a strong message to all those who believe that anonymity is synonymous with impunity. It is not a question of the burden of the sentence, it is a question of principle: we cannot say just anything, anywhere“, he commented.

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