Legislative, reform of institutions, purchasing power … The 8:30 franceinfo by Gérard Larcher

Gérard Larcher, the President of the Senate, was the guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo, Thursday May 12, 2022. He answered questions from Sahlia Brakhlia and Marc Fauvelle.

“A non-renewable seven-year term”

Gérard Larcher admitted on franceinfo to have “made a mistake” by supporting in 2000 the transition to a five-year term, implemented in 2002 by President Jacques Chirac, after a referendum in his favour. The President of the Senate said “favorable” to the reintroduction of the seven-year term for the presidential term, but a “non-renewable seven-year term”.

On the subject of the legislative elections and the distribution of seats in the National Assembly, Gérard Larcher explains that he “evolved” and that the rate of 20% of deputies elected proportionally seems to him the most appropriate.

Purchasing power: “whatever it takes” must not become “whatever happens”

“We will not be able to continue the ‘whatever the cost’, towards a form of ‘whatever happens'”, says Gérard Larcher, President LR of the Senate, regarding anti-inflation measures in favor of purchasing power promised by Emmanuel Macron by July.

“The emergency is how to eat? How to get around? How to get warm?”according to Gérard Larcher, who considers that the measures announced by the President of the Republic are “required”. But “opposite, we will have to put revenue and savings”warns the President of the Senate, who recalls that France combines“3 trillion debt” and mentions the trade balance deficit, the inflation rate, the rise in interest rates. Will he validate the text in the Senate? “You have to see what’s inside first”replies Gérard Larcher, “but we must support the French”.

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