legislative, pensions, purchasing power… Elisabeth Borne’s construction sites in Matignon

After two right-wing Prime Ministers, Emmanuel Macron chose, to begin his second term, a profile marked on the left. Initially from the Socialist Party, Elisabeth Borne cut her teeth in left-wing cabinets. In the early 90s, she worked alongside Lionel Jospin then Jack Lang at the Ministry of National Education. She was again part of Lionel Jospin’s team when he was appointed to Matignon in 1997. Elisabeth Borne was then director of cabinet to Ségolène Royal at the Ministry of Ecology between 2014 and 2015. Graduate of the Ecole polytechnique , this senior civil servant defines herself as a woman of the left.

>> “Hard”, “angry”, “brittle” … The railway unions do not have good memories of Elisabeth Borne

Parisian by birth, Elisabeth Borne was prefect of the former Poitou-Charente and Vienne regions in 2013. But she also worked in the private sector in the early 2000s: SNCF, Eiffage, RATP, of which she was president. .

Minister throughout the first five-year term of Emmanuel Macron, she was entrusted with the portfolios of Transport, Ecological Transition, and Labor. Her supporters point out that she carried out the two most difficult reforms of the mandate: that of the SNCF and unemployment insurance. A “super techno” profile, workaholic, loyal. Elisabeth Borne is known more for her tenacity or even her toughness than for her warmth or her empathy. His detractors have given him a nickname: “Borne out”.

What are his priorities now? Form a government of course, even if Emmanuel Macron is in charge. The new Prime Minister will have to lead the legislative battle as majority leader, even if Emmanuel Macron is also the real boss there. An electoral battle in which she embarked on defending the colors of the majority. Elisabeth Borne is a LREM candidate in Calvados.

The new tenant of Matignon will also have the mission of embodying the new method promised by the president, by multiplying the consultations. The reform of pensions and that of the institutions will in particular be the subject of consultation with the social partners. Elisabeth Borne will also have the delicate task of launching the major projects of the five-year term. The explosive file of retirement at 65, emergency measures for purchasing power, ecological planning which will be directly attached to Matignon.

Elisabeth Borne comes from the left but says she is determined to reform, even if it means jostling. She entrusts it to a small committee: “Working longer? Obvious. Putting more French people to work to continue to reduce unemployment, a necessity” Just like a reform of the UNEDIC and the role of the social partners.

Another less controversial but eagerly awaited file, the Prime Minister will have to announce the precise timetable for the measures on purchasing power. Emmanuel Macron has indeed promised during the campaign a major reform targeting the most modest households. The former Minister of Labor will also have to specify the terms of the new aid targeted at “heavy duty” vehicles.

Before launching these various projects, the new head of government will have to form her new team for the council of ministers this week. Not necessarily Wednesday, maybe Thursday or Friday. A period allowing the High Authority for the Control of Public Life to analyze the situation of the new ministers, criminal and fiscal, as well as the risks of conflicts of interest. It is also necessary to define the ministerial perimeters, with large poles for a tight government. It is the will displayed in any case. About fifteen ministers, heavyweights “to embody the major projects of the five-year term”they say at Matignon: pensions, ecology, health, education.

It is also necessary to find a place for the outgoing. The ministers of weight precisely: Gérald Darmanin, Bruno Le Maire. Those who have proven themselves: Amélie de Montchallin, Clément Beaune, Gabriel Attal, Agnès Pannier-Runacher. Bringing in new blood, a dose of civil society, respecting parity, political and geographical balances… A complex recipe. “Places will be expensive”warns an adviser. “It may take time”, already anticipates a majority leader.

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