Legislative in France | Le Pen wants to be president of the RN parliamentary group in the National Assembly

(Saint-Dizier) Marine Le Pen announced on Wednesday that she will be president of the parliamentary group of the National Rally, if the party manages to elect at least 15 deputies in the legislative elections, during a trip to Saint-Dizier (Haute- Marl).

Posted at 9:41 a.m.

“Yes, I will be president of the group, of course,” said Ms.me Le Pen at a press conference, after a brief walkabout in the middle of a hundred of his supporters who came to welcome him.

To applause, the far-right candidate took a few selfies with supporters of this city where she obtained 54% of the vote in the second round of the presidential election.

Coming to support the two RN candidates in the department, Laurence Robert-Dehault and Christophe Bentz, she strongly criticized her opponents, first Emmanuel Macron and the new Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, “the same as him”, whose policy “is based on a cold, administrative, brutal vision”, according to Mme The pen.

“Mme Borne is Mr. Macron bis”, she declared this morning on France Inter: he “chosen her precisely to carry out this social brutality […] against which we will fight with the last energy. »

In Saint-Dizier, she also crushed the New Popular Ecological and Social Union (NUPES) and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, believing that he had “zero chance of being prime minister”, and accusing him of “shameless lie for can -to be hiding the fact that he is leaving politics […] and that he does not want to say it during the legislative elections, so he makes believe in this fable of the Prime Minister”.

Marine Le Pen then returned to the case of controversial journalist Taha Bouhafs, first invested by LFI in the 14and constituency of the Rhône before being dismissed after accusations of sexual violence. Mme Le Pen accused the Nupes of “lying”: “So here is a movement which made people believe that a candidate was withdrawing because he was persecuted by the right and by the extreme right, when in reality he dismissed, and he knew it, because he was the victim of very serious accusations of sexual assault”.

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