Legislative in France | “I am against extremes, ideas that divide,” says Kylian Mbappé

(Düsseldorf) Le capitaine de l’équipe de France Kylian Mbappé a déclaré dimanche être « contre les extrêmes, les idées qui divisent » à propos des prochaines élections législatives des 30 juin et 7 juillet.  

Sans prendre clairement position pour tel ou tel camp, l’attaquant des Bleus, présent en conférence de presse à la veille de l’entrée en lice des vice-champions du monde à l’Euro 2024 contre l’Autriche, a également défendu son coéquipier Marcus Thuram, affirmant qu’« il n’a pas été trop loin » en expliquant samedi qu’il fallait « se battre pour que le RN [Rassemblement national] do not pass “.

“I think we are at a crucial moment in the history of our country. The situation is unprecedented, which is why I want to address all the French people and the young generation who can make the difference,” indicated Mbappé.

I call on young people to go vote, we see that the extremes are at the gates of power, we have the opportunity to choose the future of our country.

Kylian Mbappé

“We need to identify with the values ​​of tolerance, diversity and respect. I hope we will still be proud to wear this jersey on July 7. The situation is more important than tomorrow’s match. I do not want to represent a country that does not correspond to our values,” he added.

Mbappé’s statements, his first public speech since the victory of the National Rally in the European elections on June 9, come the day after Marcus Thuram took a position against the RN.

A few hours after Thuram’s exit, the French Football Federation asked to “avoid any form of pressure and political use of the French team” regarding the early legislative elections, calling for respect for its “neutrality”.

Kylian Mbappé will not be at the Paris Games

The captain of the France team Kylian Mbappé definitively closed the door to participation in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, Sunday on the eve of the Blues’ debut at Euro 2024.

“The position of my club [le Real Madrid, NDLR] was very clear. I think I will not participate in the Olympics,” said the Blues superstar.

“Arriving in a new team in September [après le tournoi, NDLR] is not the best start to an adventure,” he explained.

“I will be a supporter, not an actor, I will watch all the matches, I hope that they will bring us back the gold medal,” added the captain of the France team before facing Austria on Monday at Düsseldorf for its first Euro 2024 match.

Several times during the season, Mbappé had repeated his desire to compete in the Olympic Games in Paris with the selection of Thierry Henry, specifying that this would depend on his employer.

The Olympics do not appear in the calendar drawn up by the International Football Federation, unlike the Euro or the World Cup, and clubs are therefore not required to release their players under contract for the Olympic fortnight.

Thierry Henry had already almost confirmed the non-participation in the Olympics of Mbappé who did not appear in his prelist disclosed in May.

France Media Agency

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