Legislative in Creuse: who is Sylvie Bilde, the candidate of the National Rally?

Still a simple activist five months ago, Sylvie Bilde is now thrown into the deep end of the legislative elections. This Creusoise of origin will wear the colors of the National Rally in the next legislative elections in the department. Very active during Marine Le Pen’s presidential campaign, Sylvie Bilde was never elected.

“Difficult month-ends, I know”

Sylvie Bilde is a novice in politics and she fully assumes this status. The RN candidate, who been active for ten years for the far-right party, sees this above all as an asset. She says she feels much closer to the Creusois and their concerns than other candidates. “I am a citizen like them, I live like the Creusois. The end of the difficult month, I know them” confides Sylvie Bilde, currently unemployed.

Sylvie Bilde is from Creuse. She spent her childhood in Saint-Vaury, near Guéret. His parents run a small grocery store in the village. As a teenager, she studied in particular at the Jean Favard high school in Guéret before following her parents to the North of France. She worked there as a waitress and then as a medical secretary for 14 years. After 26 years away from her native Creuse, Sylvie Bilde decided to return there two years ago. She never really left the department, she often went there during the summer.

Patroness of the RN in Creuse since December

It’s all new to me

Last December, while taking part in a public meeting, she learned that the departmental delegate of the party in Creuse was resigning. Two executives of the RN request it. They ask him to take the direction of the local antenna. What she accepts. After a few days of training in Paris, here she is, the boss of the party in Creuse. During Marine Le Pen’s presidential campaign, she was very active, especially when distributing leaflets.

At 49, Sylvie Bilde is now thrown into the deep end of the legislative elections. She is theguest of France Bleu Creuse this Monday, May 16 at 8:10 a.m., and will face outgoing LREM deputy Jean-Baptiste Moreau on Wednesday on France 3 Limousin. This campaign ‘it’is brand new to me, it’s a big first” explains the candidate who wishes to bring the voice of the Creusois and rurality to the National Assembly.

“I wanted her to be a candidate”

Friday, Edwige Diaz, member of the executive office of the RN and president of the group at the regional council of New-Aquitaine, was alongside the Creuse candidate to present her candidacy.

She was the legitimate candidate

For her, the candidacy of Sylvie Bilde was not in doubt: “I wanted her to be a candidate because she deserves it” explains Edwige Diaz at the microphone of France Bleu Creuse. “She is a woman of great quality, a real activist, very loyal to Marine since she has voted for the National Rally since she was 18. She was the legitimate candidate to defend the Creusois in the National Assembly”.

Sylvie Bilde and Edwige Diaz strongly believe in the National Rally’s chances of victory in the one and only constituency of Creuse. As a reminder, Marine Le Pen came out on top in the first round of the presidential election with 25.09% of the vote. Beaten in the second round in Creuse by Emmanuel Macron, she still won nearly 48% of the vote.

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