Legislative 2022: the showdown between Emmanuel Macron and Édouard Philippe


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As the legislative elections approach, a standoff takes place in the majority between Emmanuel Macron and Édouard Philippe, leader of the Horizons party. Journalist Nathalie Saint-Cricq, present on the 8 Hours set on Wednesday May 4, takes stock of these tensions.

Journalist Nathalie Saint-Cricq, present on the 8 Hours set on Wednesday May 4, takes stock of the showdown between Emmanuel Macron and Édouard Philippe and his Horizons party in view of the legislative elections. The former Prime Minister is asking for at least 50 constituencies. “Emmanuel Macron does not really want to give them to him. Why 50? Because it is from there that we can really have funding and have a foundation”explains Nathalie Saint-Cricq.

Avoid forming an autonomous Horizons group

“Emmanuel Macron does not want him to form an autonomous group. He does want a presidential majority in which there would be Agir, people from La République en Marche and then people from Horizons, but he does not want to to have a group that can secede. Basically, he was totally traumatized by the episode of the slingers under François Hollande”concludes the journalist.

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