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Wednesday June 1stBeatrice jelly is come present a new legislative campaign newspaper on the set of 12/13. On the agenda, the challenge awaiting the Republican party, and the 7th constituency of Val-de-Marne which is highly coveted.
After their low score in the presidential election, the Republicans are playing big in these legislative elections. “From a hundred deputies today, the Republicans (LR) could be no more than fifty at the end of June on the benches of the Assembly. A group reduced by half and Republicans who fear seeing the scenario of the presidential election reproduced, with a strong abstention and a useful vote in favor of the presidential majority to block the Nupes “explains journalist Béatrice jellypresent on the set of 12/13, Wednesday June 1st.
The 7th constituency of Val-de-Marne is hotly contested. Rachel Kekefigure in the struggle of the maids of the Ibis hotel Batignolles in Paris, was invested there by the Nudes. She intends to create a surprise. the old sports minister Roxana Maracineanu was invested by the presidential majority in this constituency, in order to keep it. vincent jeanbrun faces the two favorites to represent the party LR.