Legislative 2022: In Vendée 2 candidates claim a majority at Les Herbiers

2 candidates but to defend the same colors, those of the presidential majority. On the occasion of the legislative elections of June 12 and 19 in the 4th district of Vendée, Les Herbiers – Montaigu, they will be 2 to claim their support for Emmanuel Macron, the outgoing deputy Martine Leguille-Balloy and a newcomer, Denis Le Barsjournalist in Vendée (at Radio Alouette) who is getting into the deep end of national politics.

This is usurpation. Joint Press Release

He’s a dissident – denounces Martine Leguille Balloy – it usurps the use of the trademark Presidential Majority Together“. For the LREM MP elected in 2017 in this bastion of the right “having a presidential majority in the Assembly is very important, but having a majority deputy in his constituency is also important to be heard in Paris, except him will not be able to”. Martine Leguille-Balloy at the same time posted the press release signed by Richard Ferrand, Francois Bayrou, Edouard Philippe and Stanislas Guerini:While some seek to sow doubt, the presidential majority is very clear: Martine Leguille-Balloy is its only candidate in the constituency. She is the only one who will be fully part of our action in the National Assembly and will thus implement the project led by Emmanuel Macron. If other candidates claim to belong to the presidential majority, then this is a usurpation. Proceedings will be initiated against them because this confusion cannot persist, and it is more than regrettable that some seek to sow doubt among voters.

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You would have to be dubbed to present yourself, we are no longer in the Middle Ages. Denis Le Bars

Denis Le Bars, journalist at Radio Alouette, is in love with his territory and the Vendée bocage where he was born. Since his experience as municipal councilor and community councilor of the country of Pouzauges, the legislative election made him “very like”. He responds to the accusation of dissent ” For me, a dissident is someone who has already been present in a party and in a group and who secedes. I find it difficult to understand that the Together movement is opposed to the idea that Emmanuel Macron has several supporters. The obstacles that are made are contrary to the principle of the democrat, it would be necessary to be dubbed to be able to present themselves. Denis Le Bars is motivated to win, otherwise he will support Martine Leguille-Balloy without hesitation in the 2nd round.

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