Legislative 2022: final poll and last day of the campaign… The campaign newspaper for Friday, June 17


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Beatrice jelly is present on the set of 12/13, Friday June 17, in order to present the last campaign newspaper of the legislative elections. In the program : a final poll according to which cohabitation is far from being achieved.

Friday, June 17, two days before the second round of the legislative elections, a final poll was revealed. “First lesson: Matignon, contrary to what he has been hammering since the beginning of the week, seems to be moving away for Jean-Luc Mélenchon. (…) The Nupes would get 140 to 180 seats. This is a slight decline compared to the evening of the first round. Second lesson: the absolute majority is still very uncertain for the party of the presidential majority which would have 265 to 305 elected, the absolute majority being at 289 seats”reports journalist Béatrice Gelot, present on the set of 12/13. Finally, abstention would be between 51 and 55%while that she was from 52.3% in the first round. In 2017, it had reached 57.36% to second round.

For this last day of the campaign, Elisabeth Borne is in her constituency of Vire (Calvados), where she is leading, and Jean-Luc Mélenchon gave his last press conference in the morning in Paris. A last day caught up by the weather. Blazing sun for Elisabeth Borne in Calvados. No political message but a heat wave prevention message sent from a retirement home. (…) The heat wave was also at the center of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s concerns a few minutes ago, without forgetting his goal: win the second round on Sunday”explains the journalist.

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