Legislative 2022: discover all the candidates in Meurthe-et-Moselle

The 492,287 voters of Meurthe et Moselle will vote on Sunday June 12 and 19 to elect five of the 577 deputies who will sit for five years in the National Assembly. The official submission of applications has been closed since May 20.

You will find below the final list of all declared candidates for the six constituencies of Meurthe and Moselle.

1st district of Meurthe et Moselle – Nancy

The outgoing deputy is Carole Grandjean (LREM), elected for the first time in 2017.

The declared candidates are:

  • Carole Grandjean (outgoing MP – Together)
  • Laurent Hennequin (Reconquest)
  • Nordine Jouira (NUPES-LFI)
  • Patricia Melet (RN)
  • Christiane Nimsgern (Labour Struggle)
  • Franck Olivier Potier (Various right)
  • Pascal L’Huillier (Stand up for France)
  • Claudine Brin (The Republicans)
  • Sophie Norton (Decrescents)
  • Eric Tollénaère (Republican and citizen movement)
  • Lila Lombardia (Union of French Muslim Democrats)
  • Armand Buchy (Animalist Party)

2nd district of Meurthe et Moselle – Nancy-Vandoeuvre

The outgoing deputy is Laurent Garcia (Modem). He does not represent himself preferring his mandate as mayor of Laxou.

The declared candidates are:

  • Eric Damamme (Men Animal Nature Movement)
  • Anselme Boussuge (Reconquest)
  • Jacques Lacreuse (Labour Struggle)
  • Olivier Maillot (RN)
  • Stéphane Hablot (NUPES – PS)
  • Emmanuel Lacresse (Ensemble)
  • Patrick Pezzetta (Animal Party)
  • Nora Adjir (Union of French Muslim Democrats)
  • Florian Flaus (Independent Ecological Movement)
  • Vincent Manfredi (LR-UDI)

3rd district of Meurthe et Moselle – Pays-Haut

The outgoing deputy is Xavier Paluszkiewicz (LREM), elected for the first time in 2017. He is standing for a new term.

The declared candidates are:

  • Xavier Boury (Labour Struggle)
  • Muriel Di Rezze (RN)
  • Veronique Foltz (Ecology at the center)
  • Matteo Germini (Youth Movement)
  • Françoise Kral (Independent and Democratic Workers’ Party)
  • Xavier Paluszkiewicz (outgoing MP – Together)
  • Eurydice Reinert (Together for Freedoms)
  • Nicolas Rosskopf (Reconquest)
  • Mathieu Servagi (The Republicans)
  • Francis Herbays (Various left, from the PS)
  • Xavier Beaudouin (Pirate Party)
  • Martine Etienne (NUPES – LFI)
  • Frederic Grasse (Unlabeled)

4th district of Meurthe et Moselle – Lunéville

The outgoing deputy is Thibault Bazin (LR), elected for the first time in 2017. He is seeking a new mandate.

The declared candidates are:

  • Thibault Bazin (LR)
  • Grégory Bihaki (Democratic Independent Workers Party)
  • Dominique Bilde (RN)
  • Genevière Heilliette (Labour struggle)
  • Rachel Thomas (Ensemble)
  • Barbara Bertozzi-Bievelot (NUPES – EELV)
  • Lucy Georges (Reconquest)
  • Corinne Maillot (Animal Party)
  • Bertrand Ravailler (The Patriots)
  • Monir Bouguerra (Union of French Muslim Democrats)
  • Rémi Thiriet (Unlabeled)

5th district of Meurthe et Moselle – Toul

The outgoing deputy is Dominique Potier. He is running for a second term and refuses the NUPES label.

The declared candidates are:

  • Miriam Aubert (Labour struggle)
  • Philippe Morenvillier (RN)
  • Julie Ricard (Reconquest)
  • Elisabeth Childer (Animalists)
  • Sophia Fayad (Union of French Muslim Democrats)
  • Dominique Potier (Various left)
  • Marika Bret (Ensemble)
  • Corinne Paine (Stand Up France)
  • Yannick Francois (The Republicans)

6th constituency of Meurthe et Moselle – Pont-à-Mousson

The outgoing MP is Caroline Fiat (LFI). She is running for a second term.

The declared candidates are:

  • Jeanne Amann (Reconquest)
  • Dominique Barbin (Worker Force)
  • Anthony Boulogne (National Rally)
  • Xavier Coupaye (Animalists)
  • Caroline Fiat (NUPES-LFI, outgoing MP)
  • Xavier Gehbauer (POID)
  • Jonathan Richier (LR)
  • Ergun Toparslan (Ensemble)
  • Eric Richermoz (The Patriots)
  • Olivier Hedin (Ecologists with the presidential majority)

Click here if you cannot view the map

The results of the second round of legislative elections in Meurthe-et-Moselle

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