Legault wants to fight against violence on social networks

The leader of the Coalition avenir Québec, François Legault, is considering the possibility of instructing the police to strike a blow against violence on social networks.

“We can kick […] as we did in the case of motorcycle gangs or when there are specific problems, ”he suggested on the sidelines of an election announcement in Montérégie on Saturday afternoon. “Obviously, it takes additional staff. »

Mr. Legault is also juggling with the idea of ​​asking the giants Twitter and Facebook to close the anonymous accounts that abound on their platforms and behind which bullies hide. “There are actions that are not easy to take because you have to challenge the owners of these networks. […] If we want to eliminate anonymous accounts, we will have to have an agreement with the owners,” he said.

“It is fine to abolish [les comptes anonymes,] but when there is something that is worrying, there must be a follow-up that is done by the police,” he also said.

The CAQ leader says he is “open to proposals from the opposition” to rid social networks of the “evil” that eats away at them. It does not rule out legislating to achieve this.

The prime minister said he’s seen green and unripe ones in comments to his Twitter and Facebook posts, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Some interventions were very violent,” he noted.

In addition, Mr. Legault took note of the call for calm launched by the leader of the Conservative Party of Quebec (PCQ), Éric Duhaime. “I was happy to finally hear Mr. Duhaime say: ‘Be careful.’ All leaders have a responsibility,” he argued.

The Prime Minister refused to comment on the arrest by the Sûreté du Québec of the Internet user who posted an image of the caquist candidate of Chauveau, Sylvain Lévesque, a few days ago.

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