Legault has tarnished the reputation of Quebec internationally, insists Anglade

The head of the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ) François Legault has tarnished the reputation of Quebec internationally with his campaign, insists Dominique Anglade.

The Liberal leader held a press briefing in Montreal on Saturday morning, surrounded by the majority of her candidates in the region. She will fly later to Gaspésie and the Îles-de-la-Madeleine.

Returning to Mr. Legault’s controversial remarks on immigration, Ms. Anglade argued that they could make it more difficult to recruit workers internationally.

“It has an impact on the image internationally, it has an impact on our ability to recruit talent,” she said, taking the opportunity to call for a vote.

“In the last few days, you have seen the real François Legault: the one who does not like to be criticized, who does not like to be questioned, the one who does not like science, the one who divides,” she said. said.

“I’ll tell you frankly, it doesn’t even seem to be trying anymore. Anyway, I’m tempted. We are tempted, ”she exclaimed.

During the campaign, Mr. Legault notably linked immigration to violence and declared that it would be “suicidal” for Quebec to welcome more than 50,000 immigrants a year.

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