Legault “does not rule out” a step back on the lease transfer

With the homelessness crisis taking center stage in the political news, François Legault’s government is now considering maintaining lease transfers among the powers of tenants.

“We are not excluding anything,” the Prime Minister said during a press scrum on Thursday. “We are open to proposals. »

This Thursday, MPs begin studying Bill 31 on housing, which plans to deprive tenants of the right to transfer their lease to a third party without the consent of their landlord. This process, called “lease assignment,” has become a way for tenants to prevent rent increases.

When the bill was presented in June, the Minister of Housing, France-Élaine Duranceau declared that it was unfair that owners had no control over the person to whom they rented their accommodation when transfers of lease occurred.

His desire to change the rules of the game in this regard had sparked an outcry among tenants’ rights defenders, some of whom have planned demonstrations again this weekend.

In the press scrum, Ms. Duranceau deplored the fact that there was less interest in other aspects of the bill such as the measures aimed at regulating evictions in certain circumstances.

Study of the bill begins Thursday with a presentation from the Corporation of Real Estate Owners of Quebec (CORPIQ) which is clearly favorable.

Further details will follow.

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