Legault denies wanting to sell off electricity

Premier François Legault says he has no intention of selling off Hydro-Québec’s production to supply companies at a discount, contrary to what he accuses his predecessors of having done.

Mr. Legault referred directly to the remarks of the president and general manager of the state corporation, Sophie Brochu, who had warned against the temptation to want to transform it into a “dollar store” for electricity.

“I heard this warning from Sophie Brochu a number of months ago,” he said in a press briefing. We’ve had time to explain ourselves since then. I don’t think she would repeat that today. »

On Tuesday, Mr. Legault wanted to be reassured about his intentions and those of his Minister of the Economy, Pierre Fitzgibbon, who inherited after the election of the Energy portfolio, traditionally associated with that of Natural Resources.

“We will never give a discount on the price of electricity without ensuring that the additional revenues for the Government of Quebec are greater than this discount,” he guaranteed.

Mr. Legault maintained that his government will ensure the proper use of Hydro-Québec’s production, contrary to what he has observed in the past.

“It has happened in the past that governments have signed contracts where the discounts that were given in electricity were lower than the additional revenues for the Government of Quebec, he said. It happened, so Sophie Brochu was right to say: Be careful not to become the Dollarama. »

Ms. Brochu announced last week that she will be leaving her duties prematurely in the spring, which has raised several questions about the directions the government wishes to give to Hydro-Québec, which is facing a medium-term electricity shortage after struggled with surpluses for years.

“You, like me, have heard and read all sorts of things for a week and a half, since the resignation of Sophie Brochu last Monday, declared Mr. Legault. I tell you, there are not two clans in Quebec, the clan that defends the interests of Quebeckers and then the clan that defends the interests of businesses. There is just a clan that works, first, for the benefit of the citizens. »

More details will follow.

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