Legault arrested by an unvaccinated citizen and elected officials in Portneuf

Outgoing Premier François Legault was challenged by both a citizen and elected municipal officials during his visit to the riding of Portneuf on Thursday, when he stopped at the popular Ti-Oui snack bar in Saint-Raymond.

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A voter who had no head for poutine wanted to remind him of the last two difficult years that she lived as an unvaccinated person.

“I am an under-citizen, not vaccinated, so I will have less rights this fall. I’m just telling you what I think. You will start again with the vaccine passport, we saw that there was an update in August. We know it will start again, why don’t you say so, ”she said to the Prime Minister.

“You tell old stories,” he replied simply.

Issues for elected officials

For her part, the mayor of Rivière-à-Pierre, Danielle Ouellette, has called for a cellular network everywhere on the territory of her municipality. While the mayor of Pont-Rouge recalled, among other things, the need for his city for the return of a secondary school.

“Our main challenge is the secondary school we need in Pont-Rouge, but we also have a development challenge. There is law 103 which comes to block us for future developments, ”said the mayor of Pont-Rouge, Mario Dupont.

Race to follow

According to the Quebec 125 projection site, the outgoing CAQ candidate, Vincent Caron, has a chance of winning on October 3. The latter also draws a positive balance sheet from his last mandate.

“The record of which I am most proud is that of having been present. We went through a pandemic, I was alongside my fellow citizens from day one. I stayed exactly the same,” explains Mr. Caron.

However, the progress of the Conservatives in the county with Jacinthe-Ève ​​Arel will be to be watched as well as Patrick Bourson, an independent candidate who is much talked about.

“There are a lot of things to see on schools, on health, for the elderly, on employment, if you will, it’s a whole amalgam that no longer works. I repeat, ask yourself the question what is going well at the moment in Quebec”, launches passionately, the independent candidate.

The PQ and Liberals have just announced their candidate in the riding. For the PQ, it is Alexandre McCabe, a professor of literature who presents himself. While the PLQ has just unveiled Patrick Hayes, an international studies student.

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