The mayor of Reims wants a “real debate” on the question of the legalization of cannabis. He also calls for more firmness towards drug traffickers.
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Arnaud Robinet, mayor of Reims, called on Friday March 15 on France Inter for the political class to get out of “right-left ideological debate on the question of the legalization of cannabis” in France, while drug trafficking is exploding in several cities in France. He wants a “a real debate, let’s put specialists around the table, such as those who are confronted daily with drug trafficking, particularly cannabis trafficking”.
“We can clearly see that today this trafficking is exploding with this competition that exists to gain market share between drug traffickers and as a result, there are increasingly armed gangs and the tragedies that we are experiencing today”, he explained. Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine), for example, was the scene of a shooting during the night from Saturday to Sunday, in the Blosne district. Around ten hooded men, equipped with bulletproof vests and armed with Kalashnikovs, opened fire on several buildings for an hour. The Raid police intervened.
“Exemplary sentences” and the expulsion of “foreign offenders”
“I am willing to continue with the most repressive policy in Europe but today we see the limits and that does not provide solutions or positive results for the population and for our fellow citizens”, estimated Arnaud Robinet. The mayor of Reims highlighted the role of magistrates: “The justice system must also fully assume convictions and exemplary sentences against these traffickers”he said.
Arnaud Robinet also asks the government for more firmness: “We must act on the immense reservoir of delinquents that France has become today. We must automatically expel all foreign delinquents at the end of their sentence and truly fight against illegal immigration. We know this, there has a link that also exists. We must provide these answers to our fellow citizens”he said.