left-wing senators will meet the intersyndicale this Friday

This Friday at 3:30 p.m., left-wing senators must meet the inter-union to discuss the pension reform.

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The left-wing senators will meet the inter-union this Friday at 3:30 p.m., franceinfo learned from parliamentary sources. At the initiative of environmentalists, this meeting by videoconference which brings together the various unions, the youth movements (Unef, High school life) should make it possible to discuss the parliamentary strategy and the mobilization of Tuesday March 7. The secretary general of the CGT Philippe Martinez will participate.

>> Pension reforms: follow the evolution of the debates in the Senate

Contrary to the position of the deputies of the Nupes, the senators on the left have indicated their willingness to go to the examination and the vote on article 7, pushing back the starting age from 62 to 64 years. A vote that left-wing senators want to see on the agenda after the day of mobilization on March 7.

A renewable strike on March 7

The inter-union called on Thursday to “break the house” during the mobilization of March 7. “We are united and on March 7, we put France on hold”, declared the assistant general secretary of the CFDT Marylise Léon. March 7 appears to be strategic for the unions, which are calling for “block the country” to protest against the pension reform, in particular the raising of the retirement age to 64 years.

All the unions of the SNCF and the RATP in particular want a renewable strike from this date. For their part, Solidaires and the CGT have reiterated their desire for a renewable strike. “We think we have to continue after the 7th,” said Philippe Martinez. “We want the generalization of strikes and not the general strike”, explained the boss of the CGT.

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