left-wing parliamentarians will go to the Elysée on Tuesday to send a letter to Emmanuel Macron asking for the “withdrawal” of the text

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9:28 p.m. : A delegation will then be received by Emmanuel Macron’s chief of staff at 11 a.m. and will give him a letter asking for the withdrawal of the reform as well as a meeting with the President of the Republic. This delegation will notably be made up of André Chassaigne, Arthur Delaporte, Bertrand Pancher, Éliane Assassi and Monique Lubin.

9:29 p.m. : Parliamentarians from several groups that have signed the request for a shared initiative referendum (RIP) will go to the Elysée tomorrow to solemnly request the withdrawal of the pension reform. A gathering of parliamentarians will take place at the Gabriel Pavilion at 10:45 a.m.

9:04 p.m. : Good evening @Email, the Elders will make their decisions on Friday April 14, at the end of the day. They will deliberate”on the referendum initiative”, i.e. the Shared Initiative Referendum (RIP), and “on the amending social security financing law for 2023”, says their press release. The members of the Constitutional Council may decide to validate the entire text or to censor all or part of it.

9:06 p.m. : Good evening, when will the Constitutional Council decide on the pension reform?

8:31 p.m. : The Nupes groups will defend tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. before the Constitutional Council the appeal they have filed to have the pension reform censured.

6:42 p.m. : You have multiplied the days of strike since the beginning of the movement? Tell us how you organize yourself financially. You can testify via the form of this article. THANKS !

4:51 p.m. : At the beginning of the interview, the elected officials informed the head of government that they found “awkward, not to say tricky” that there is not “more consideration for trade unions”. Elisabeth Borne replied that she wanted “reconnect with them” during the meeting in Matignon with the inter-union on Wednesday. “I form fervent wishes that there will be progress”insisted Hervé Marseille.

4:28 p.m. : The Prime Minister has a “dialogue concern”estimated on franceinfo Hervé Marseille, president of the centrist Union group in the Senate, after his meeting with Elisabeth Borne and the presidents of the centrist and Liot groups.

3:40 p.m. : In Avignon (Vaucluse), the graffiti artist Lekto, known for having produced a fresco considered anti-Semitic in June 2022, drew a new controversial fresco, representing Emmanuel Macron as Adolf Hitler. She will be erased “as soon as possible”, “at the request of the present of the department and the prefect”reacted the urban community of Greater Avignon on France Bleu Vaucluse.

3:33 p.m. : We told you about it a little earlier in this newsfeed. Elisabeth Borne receives, from today, various parliamentary groups. If most members of the Nupes responded negatively, the boss of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, will go well to Matignon, tomorrow at 5:30 p.m. In a letter addressed to the Prime Minister last Sunday, Olivier Faure told her “his refusal to participate in a consultation on the parliamentary calendar”, said the PS in a press release. Nevertheless, “he asked him to devote this meeting to the crisis that the country is going through”is added.

2:49 p.m. : On the left, some were skeptical. “After being despised as we were, I don’t see why we would go and meet Elisabeth Borne”, reacted on franceinfo André Chassaigne, president of the communist group in the National Assembly.

2:49 p.m. : “We have a lot of subjects to discuss together, including subjects that have been highlighted during the pension reform, on the quality of life at work, on the end of careers, on the prevention of hardship “added Elisabeth Borne.

2:49 p.m. : “I will listen to all the subjects that the trade union organizations will want to address.”

The Matignon tenant also said she hoped “take the time to talk about all these subjects”during a press briefing on the sidelines of the presentation of the first 150 winners of the Green Fund.

09:17 : “There is no way out of the crisis other than the withdrawal of this reform”warns on France inter Sophie Binet, new general secretary of the CGT. “We cannot talk about other subjects until we withdraw this reform, the government must understand that.”

08:41 : “At the age of 15, I realized the social inequalities, I realized that I didn’t have the same chances as the others, I had more of them elsewhere.”

On France inter, Sophie Binet looks back on her career and her commitment. The principal education adviser explains that she wanted “put the odds that[elle a] had in the service of others.”

08:31 : “I will not be the tree that hides the forest”, continues Sophie Binet. She hears “to allow women to reach all positions of responsibility in the CGT.”

08:39 : “It is characteristic of democratic organizations to reserve surprises. At the CGT, our trademark is to build struggles. We must never be where our adversary is waiting for us.”

On France inter, the new union official returned to her surprise election at the head of the CGT.


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