In front of an excited and divided room, the deputy from the Somme confirmed his “deep moral and electoral disagreement” with Jean-Luc Mélenchon and La France Insoumise, Saturday during a debate at the Fête de l’Humanité.
Reading time: 3 min

Is François Ruffin isolated on the left? The latest statements by the Somme MP did not fail to provoke a reaction at the Fête de l’Humanité in Brétigny-sur-Orge, in Essonne. This is not the first time that François Ruffin has criticized the strategy of La France insoumise. Tensions rose a notch this week with the publication of his book in which he accuses the insoumis of abandoning part of the rural electorate to concentrate on young people and neighborhoods.
If François Ruffin initially received a warm welcome at the stand of his Picardie Debout movement, the atmosphere was completely different when he took part in a debate under the large tent of the agora where his arrival was booed.
“I booed François Ruffin with great pleasureassumes Marius, rebellious activist. He makes a kind of break in the working class by saying: On one side there are people who are white workers, others who are black and Arab workers. He no longer represents anyone except city people who fantasize about the countryside.”
On stage, the LFI deputy of Vaucluse and anti-fascist activist Raphaël Arnaut adds another layer: “We heard the anger that was expressed by some people here in the room, particularly because François, you hurt a lot of comrades, particularly the youth who mobilized during the last elections.”
“The Fête de l’Huma is a bit of a family celebration and we argue as a familydefends François Ruffin, his face closed. It’s part of the game. And even when it has to be said frankly, we make mistakes. Now, do we want to unite the working classes? And there, I have had a profound moral and electoral disagreement with Jean-Luc Mélenchon and La France Insoumise for two years.” The boos then mixed with applause, symbolizing the fracture on the left over the electoral strategies to adopt to achieve victory.
In the crowd, Marie is more than mixed: “It’s a question that is extremely important and I think that we haven’t really explored the issue yet. I come from Mayenne, so I know it very well and I’m a left-wing activist so I see it every day. However, I quite disagree with François Ruffin’s strategy today.”
“I think that wanting to refocus the strategy only on people who live in villages will also lead to ‘fracturing society’.”
Marie, rebellious activistto franceinfo
This rebellious activist then went to the party stand to listen to Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The rebellious leader called for “de-dramatizes the discussion within the left” : “Not everything is an obligation to slap each other”.
He explained, however, that “the unity of the people is threatened by a violent poison because after having spread it in the right, it began to lick the feet of the left and we began to have people who claim to be from the left holding the inept remarks of what is called the republican spring, which is a bunch of racists.” Jean-Luc Mélenchon does not name anyone, but the rebellious MP Eric Coquerel made the same remarks when he named François Ruffin.