Leewane still criticized on social networks, Jessica Thivenin sees red and attacks haters

There are criticisms that can pass. And others that remain across the throat make us come out of our hinges. Proof of this is with Jessica Thivenin. The companion of Thibault Garcia must already face, for several years, has many derogatory remarks concerning his physique. Most pointing to the fact that she has had cosmetic surgery and that her face, or certain parts of her body, have changed enormously. But these tackles, the pretty blonde does not care now. On the other hand, what does not pass at all, and we can understand it, are the criticisms of her little girl Leewane, only a few months old.
Indeed, as surprising as it may seem, despite her young age, Maylone’s sister has to face a wave of hatred from some Internet users. The latter making fun of his birthmark located at the level of the forehead. While she published a family snapshot on January 7, Jessica Thivenin discovered the many tackles with regard to her wonder. She then made the decision to respond to her haters. “There is a question, I can’t hear it anymore! It pisses me off! Even more those who criticize and say ‘too ugly your daughter with her stain in the middle of the forehead'”, she lamented before giving explanations on this famous “brand” which is so much talked about on social networks: “this story of a stain, this little heart that she has between her two eyes, it’s an angioma, it’s a birthmark. She’s had it since she was born. My son had one under his nose, I had a cross on my face when I was born, and here it is! It will go away, it just takes time”.
The young mother, subsequently announcing a big decision she had made and which will undoubtedly do her the greatest good: “Those who criticize her, they piss me off! I block them. You don’t criticize a baby! If you all look at your baby’s face, you have nothing to do today. You have to stop criticizing babies like that, It’s not good !”. Jessica Thivenin is obviously right but unfortunately this does not mean that this gratuitous hatred will stop…

See also: Jessica Thivenin: Internet users persist in telling her that her child has “trisomy”, she answers once and for all!


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