Lebanese rocket fired at Israel prompts retaliation

(Jerusalem) A rocket was fired overnight from Sunday to Monday from Lebanon towards northern Israel, prompting Israeli retaliatory fire towards neighboring Lebanese territory, the army said.

Posted yesterday at 11:44 p.m.

“A rocket was fired from Lebanon into Israeli territory,” the Israeli army said in a statement, adding that Israeli artillery fired in retaliation “in the direction of the launch point” of the projectile.

The rocket fired from Lebanon fell in open ground near Kibbutz Matzuva in northern Israel, the army said without reporting any casualties.

The shooting was not immediately claimed.

In the summer, the Israeli army had already fired in the direction of Lebanon in response to rocket attacks on its territory claimed by the Shiite movement Hezbollah. Prior to that, the last rocket fire into Israel from Lebanon took place in May, amid the conflict between the Israeli army and the ruling Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

In 2006, the last major confrontation between Israel and Hezbollah left more than 1,200 dead on the Lebanese side, mostly civilians, and 160 on the Israeli side, mostly soldiers.

After various conflicts, Israel and Lebanon remain technically in a state of war and the United Nations Interim Force (UNIFIL) is deployed in southern Lebanon to act as a buffer between the two countries.

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