Lease transfers | It’s “giving back with the good of others”, according to Duranceau

The Minister responsible for Housing, France-Élaine Duranceau, wonders whether there would not be a case for intervening in rent increases when housing is transferred from one tenant to another, rather than ‘at the level of the transfer of lease.

During the study of her bill in parliamentary committee on Tuesday, the minister seemed to continue to have reservations about the transfer of leases by tenants.

Giving up your lease means “paying it forward with the property of others,” said the minister, in discussion with David Searle, lawyer and lecturer in housing law.

“The transfer of lease is not what solves the problem,” she added. She asked Mr. Searle if it would not be better to intervene on the problem which is at the source: that which requires that at the time of the transfer of accommodation, “there are rent increases which are not those which would be desired, so shouldn’t we instead work on these increases? »

Me Searle responded that tenant advocacy organizations would certainly be in favor of such a measure that would keep rents lower.

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