Learn to recognize and cook wild and edible plants with Christine Spohn

Healthy, tasty and free!

Hundreds of edible wild plants surround us and all you have to do is bend down to pick them up. This plant universe represents a source of healthy and tasty food, a veritable pantry. It is also a mine of nutritional elements because wild plants contain in astonishing quantity all the vitamins, mineral salts, trace elements and antioxidants that our body needs.

the stinging nettle plant that is eaten in salads or soups © Radio France
Luke Carrascosa

touch, smell, taste

Picking and consuming wild plants, far from being a fad, offers a new relationship between man and plants. This happens mainly through observation, touch, smell, taste. We discover the virtues of plants, their traditional uses, their history, their place of life, their toxicity sometimes. It’s about botany, but also about going to meet plants, where they grow.

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