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The hypothesis of sabotage is favored by the Europeans, Wednesday, September 28, following the leaks that occurred in the Baltic Sea from the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines. Implicated, the Russians accuse the Americans.
On Wednesday, September 28, the Baltic Sea is still boiling after leaks from the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines. The Swedish authorities have launched an investigation for aggravated sabotage. The thesis of the accident is a priori dismissed. A drone or drones submarines havebeen used to target the two pipelines? They could have been launched from a submarine positioned several nautical miles from the target points.
According to experts, combat swimmers equipped with oxygen bottles could also have carried out this operation, at a depth of 70 meters. In any case, this proves that gas pipelines are vulnerable. Coincidence: a new strategic gas pipeline linking Norway to Poland was inaugurated on Tuesday 27 September. If we can easily attack Nord Stream 1 and 2, we can also attack the other gas pipelines that supply Europe. These concerns on energy security have driven up gas prices on international markets. Russia denies being at the origin of the explosions, and points the responsibility of the United States in this probable sabotage.