A democratized symbol
The sporting goods retailer Décathlon and its advertising agency Rethink want to make the way of representing physically disabled people on parking signs more plural. In their hands, the famous white and blue symbol is activated as we illustrate disabled people playing several sports (tennis, archery, basketball, etc.). Called Symbols of the Possible, the illustrations will be found in the parking areas of all Decathlon stores in Canada. “For several decades, the same symbol has been used to represent people with a physical disability. Yet that only reflects part of their reality. At Decathlon, we believe that sport is for everyone. So, what if we changed this symbol to better represent the range of the possible? “, Is it broadcast in a video of the company.
(Source: Grenier aux Nouvelles)
Watch a Decathlon advertisement
Group change
Organizations are going through many changes. And these are accelerating. It is better then “to structure your approach rather than improvising actions as you go”, according to Anne Sérode, principal director of Tact Intelligence-conseil and trainer of Infopresse. It is also better to involve employees in the change process. “Often, leaders are content to inform their teams of upcoming changes, so to focus on the ‘what’, when the first thing people need to understand is the ‘why’, explains- she does. If this “why” is clearly communicated and well constructed, and the stakeholders are all identified, each employee will be motivated and will want to participate in the change himself. In other words, everyone needs to know if and how they will be affected. You have to get them all involved. ”
(Source: Infopresse)
This was the proportion of people from the black community among the faculty at McGill University in Montreal in September 2020. Since then, the establishment has hired 15 professors. Engaging more is one of the recommendations of the McGill Bicentennial Report by researcher Charmaine Nelson.

Anne Hidalgo, Socialist Party candidate for the 2022 presidential election in France and mayor of Paris
I am everything that some hate: a woman, on the left, from an immigrant background. But I’m telling you, no one will silence me.
Anne Hidalgo, Socialist Party candidate for the 2022 presidential election in France and mayor of Paris
(Source: Twitter)
For disconnection
The Ontario government has introduced a bill that affects the world of work. Adopted, it could lead in particular to the addition of a disconnection policy in companies. Concretely, employees would not be required to respond to communications, phone calls and other emails at certain times of the day. “According to press releases issued by the Ontario government, the wording of these workplace policies could include, for example, expectations regarding response times to emails and an incentive for employees to activate absence notifications. from the office when not working, ”reads the website of the law firm Blake Cassels & Graydon. This pro-inactivity measure is also accompanied by a desire on the part of the Ontario government to put an end to non-competitiveness clauses which, among other things, prevent employees from finding better-paying jobs with a competitor. A first in Canada.
(Source: Blake Cassels & Graydon, The Globe and Mail)
The time they stay

Gen Xers stay on average 5 years and 2 months in the same organization, according to a CareerBuilder study.
How many years on average do American workers stay in the same organization? Here are the figures from a CareerBuilder study by generation:
– baby boomers (born from 1946 to 1964): 8 years and 3 months;
– members of generation X (born from 1965 to 1980): 5 years and 2 months;
– millennials (born from 1981 to 1995): 2 years and 9 months.
“Millennials are the largest group in the workforce right now (72 million people in the United States). They want to move, to be heard, they like to be free, seek a balanced life, especially since the pandemic, and want to embrace telework ”, we list in Forbes.
(Source: Forbes)