Posted at 9:00 a.m.
The future
With a helmet
In search of the best working environments and hours after the pandemic, companies are thinking of the metaverse in order to keep employees engaged. Especially the youngest, accustomed to this virtual universe in their video games. Yahoo Finance quotes an architect who finds it easier to dive into this parallel reality for organizations to make changes to their culture or their offices than in reality! Clients choose to transport a replica of their offices to places far from their headquarters in town and invite their employees to happy hours in exotic locations. “We did a lot of research with people internally and externally, and what came up the most in the comments was the exterior environment and the view,” says architect Guy Messick, CEO technology from AI Interior Architects.
Source: Yahoo Finance
The nomination
new president

Maxime Page, President of the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Quebec
The Junior Chamber of Commerce of Quebec (JCCQ) has a new president. This is Maxime Page, currently Director, Startups–Technology and Innovation, for the National Bank. At 30, he thus becomes the 36e president of the group to some 710 members, women and men, equally. “It’s a historic number,” notes the one who wants to attract even more professionals and entrepreneurs to the organization in the coming year. “It is our recovery challenge, at the end of the pandemic, to increase the number of members and the presence of certain sectors of activity such as engineering, construction, manufacturing and manufacturing. »
The quote

Jacques Attali, economist and writer
The main challenge for companies in the next 10 years is to succeed in creating coherence between their survival objectives – which go through profit – and the survival objectives of humanity.
Jacques Attali, economist and writer, who spoke about his vision of the world in 2050 at the Club Harvard Business Review France 2022
The number
Head of diversity and inclusion jobs are the second fastest growing job, according to LinkedIn, after “vaccine specialists.” “From 2015 to 2020, LinkedIn found that the number of people with the title of ‘diversity officer’ doubled, while ‘diversity director’ increased 75% and ‘head of diversity”, by 68%”, we read on the site of the recruitment firm Odgers Berndtson. But in many cases, nothing is settled after they are hired. For several reasons: because their mandate is too short while a corporate culture takes time to transform, they are limited in their actions, companies do not know their situation in terms of diversity and inclusion, and they are more in a “corrective” approach than in a “large-scale change” perspective.
Source: Odgers Berndtson
The wisdom of retirees
In the United States, 1.5 million retirees have returned to the labor market in the past year. Management, in shortage of manpower, would do well to welcome them with open arms. What can they bring? According to an article byEntrepreneur :
- Wisdom: “They have experience to share, their good and bad moves, and, by playing the role of mentor, they can align people towards success”, we read.
- A diversity of perspectives: “The more there are, the better the decisions are made. »
- The renewal of skills: “Retirees are ready to learn something new with humility and over the long term. »
Source : Entrepreneur
Who said ?
Who said, “I once heard at a conference that less than 2% of venture capital was going to businesses run by women and black people. I concluded that the only way to change this statistic is for people who look like me to write checks”?
Answer: Black Tech Week guest Serena Williams in Cincinnati talking about her US$111 million venture capital fund.