Leadership | Everyone’s business

Every week, Press presents tips, anecdotes and thoughts for leaders, entrepreneurs and managers

Isabelle Massé

Isabelle Massé


Less decision-making hierarchy

At PCN Physio, decisions are made as a group. At the start of the pandemic, the board of directors was replaced by “decision-making cells” made up of both people in the management of the 13 clinics in the Quebec City region as well as therapists and other employees, regardless of the situation. seniority, age or title. “Managers were looking for a way to make their organization more human,” explains Laurence Simard, communications and marketing advisor at PCN Physio. “No one has more power than another. As we got together as a group, we realized how smarter we were and how better decisions were for colleagues and patients. We discuss until everyone is comfortable with a decision. “Before, the managers of each clinic communicated the Board’s decisions to their teams. Now, people meet in the Recruitment, Health and Safety, Quality and Development units. “The door is wide open to everyone,” says Laurence Simard. No jealousy! ”


Fund for women in techno


Christine Beaubien, co-founder and associate director of Accelia Capital

Tech entrepreneurs now have access to a new fund. Fostering diversity and businesses in Quebec run or owned by women (30% of new businesses, according to a survey of incubators and accelerators), Accelia Capital is worth more than $ 50 million. About twenty businesswomen (including Monique F. Leroux and Marie-Josée Lamothe) contributed financially. “Several studies show that women receive much less in venture capital dollars than their male counterparts, while they are increasingly active in launching technology companies,” says Christine Beaubien, co-founder and associate director of Accelia Capital. , in a press release. “It is also now accepted that more diversity in companies promotes better decisions and often better returns. It is this business opportunity that we wanted to seize by creating Accelia Capital: to generate good returns for our investors while creating a lasting impact in Quebec by supporting and accelerating female leadership in technology. ”


In a bad team, no one is a leader. In an average team, the coach is the leader. In a great team, the players are the leaders.

Julien BriseBois, Vice-President and General Manager of Tampa Bay Ligthning, at a conference organized by the recruitment firm Groupe Mandrake




Julien BriseBois, vice-president and general manager of the Tampa Bay Lightning

This is the percentage of salary increases planned in Quebec in 2022, according to a survey by the firm Normandin Beaudry. Last summer the forecast was 2.9%. “This variation is a clear indication that organizations are trying to do their best in this period of high inflation, ‘big resignation’ and labor shortages,” says Anna Potvin, senior advisor and practice manager at compensation at Normandin Beaudry, in a press release.


Bed fall

In Germany, injuring yourself in the morning while moving from bed to your desk at home is now considered an accident at work. The news can thrill insurers at a time when teleworking is popular, even if the origin of this decision dates before the pandemic. This is because, faced with the refusal of the Professional Association for the Trade and Logistics of Goods, a Volkswagen employee who broke a leg and a thoracic vertebra when tumbling down the stairs leading him to his first floor. bureau in December 2018 appealed to the courts, which won its case. Indeed, according to the Federal Social Court, “the first morning trip from bed to the home office is a guaranteed work route”. However, the cover does not include a visit to the kitchen for lunch before getting down to business!

Source: The world


Zoomout !

The CEO of Better.com (online mortgages), Vishal Garg, has decided to apologize publicly after being callous to a dismissal of 900 people in the middle of a meeting on Zoom, last week. “If you are present at this meeting, it is because you are the unlucky people who are losing their jobs. And it’s effective now, ”he said, after informing employees that he had to cut 15% of the jobs at Better. Faced with the outcry on social networks, he then admitted to being very callous and disrespecting employees. After the apology, the company announced that Mr. Garg was taking a time out and that it had hired a firm to assess the corporate culture in order to create a positive one.

Sources: Vice, Order of approved human resources advisers

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