Posted at 9:00 a.m.
This week, Alexandre Séguin, co-founder and vice-president of sales and marketing of 5Xperts (IT services for businesses)
At a time when we are advocating diversity in all its forms in business, how can we succeed in integrating and valuing the contribution and the differences of each one in the teams?
Each personality is unique, and this must be taken into account from a management point of view. There are people who are more extroverted, more introverted, some more result-oriented, others task-oriented. Knowing each person’s personality makes it possible to capitalize on what each person brings to a team. Diversity, whether in terms of gender, ethnicity, age, professional background or personality, brings a whole range of experiences and strengths to use. Close communication between managers and team members is key. For example, the fact of explaining certain directions that the company takes or certain decisions in a development project allows the integration of all the members of the team. The feedback to our resources following the achievement of objectives allows them to be valued and mobilized.
You recently opened an office in Tunisia. What is the advantage of recruiting internationally and how to enhance the corporate culture with people from another continent?
There are several advantages to recruiting internationally. Social values in Tunisia, such as health and education, are very close to ours. We find very qualified and very competent resources. This is also the first reason that led us to Tunisia, because there are resources! The French language is generally very well mastered as well. In terms of enhancing the corporate culture, it is a challenge, certainly, but not impossible to achieve. It must be part of the daily work of employees and managers. The latter must hammer home the message and must act according to the company’s values. Then it becomes a habit, a rhythm of life at work. Two of our main corporate values are team spirit and constant communication within these teams, often made up of members from both sides of the Atlantic. We also look for that when hiring. Then, to promote a good corporate culture, it is very important that employees know each other well. All occasions are good for creating links between all members: gatherings, weekly or monthly activities, internal newsletters, posting success stories, etc.
How to attract IT candidates when we are in a labor crisis?
The labor shortage exists in all areas, but there are qualified resources. The key to attracting and retaining the best talent is to be attractive as a company. Admittedly, working conditions are important (flexible hours, hybrid work mode, work-family balance). However, the challenge is to be seen as a good place to live and work. We are constantly looking at work climate, social activities, group dynamics and feeling valued. In fact, we aim to use marketing to achieve this. Marketing is used in connection with selling a product/service, right? The idea is that the business is a product and the labor to be attracted represents buyers. Lots of people are on social media. We therefore aim to establish an increased presence on the various platforms in order to share the work climate, the activities and the dynamics that reign there. Future resources will think of the company when it comes time to move on to a new job. We are implementing this method gradually.
Ask your questions about leadership at [email protected]
The strategy
finance courses
People born after 1996 expect their employers to teach them about personal finance, according to a survey by US pension fund TIAA. About two-thirds of them hope for such support, which translates into access to resources and programs. More comfortable financially, only 41% of baby boomers think like the Zs. The latter represent 25% of the work force in the United States. “Unsurprisingly, the young generation entering the job market is in a financially fragile situation. She is facing a sudden increase in the cost of living, has rent to pay and student debt to repay,” notes Snezana Zlatar, senior director of TIAA, interviewed by the Business Insider.
Source: Business Insider
The quote

People born after 1996 expect their employers to teach them about personal finance, according to a survey by US pension fund TIAA.
Often, in high school, we go to school and we don’t have the resources or the pat on the back. At that time, I was short of resources. These young people also need a gateway to the world of employment. We have a serious employability problem. This encouragement is beneficial.
Rapper Dramatik (Jocelyn Bruno), instigator of the musical project Royauté (with singers from the black community), who donated $100,000 to the 1804 Fund for school perseverance
Source: Radio Canada
The number

Rapper Dramatik (Jocelyn Bruno)
It is the proportion of senior executives in Canada who say they have been “ghosted” by potential candidates during the hiring process, according to a study by the recruitment firm Robert Half. Why suddenly cut ties? Because the position advertised was not what candidates expected (43%), the interview process was inadequate (31%), another job offer arrived (18%) and attendance at desk will be mandatory (8%). “Today’s candidate-driven market is incredibly complex for employers, as qualified professionals often have to deal with numerous interviews and job offers,” said David King, senior district manager at Robert Half in Canada, in a statement. . “To help avoid the consequences of ghosting and engage potential employees, employers need to provide candidates with an exceptional experience that showcases the strengths of their company’s brand and culture, provides a clear understanding of the role and act quickly. »
Around Belgium
Another country adopts the four-day week: Belgium. Employees who so wish and make a formal request to their employer will be able to work their 38 hours a week over four days, or even three, without loss of pay. After six months, the formula will be reassessed. In addition, employees in the private sector (in companies with more than 20 people) now have the right to disconnect, i.e. they are not required to respond to messages from their employer after hours. of work. This right has been in effect since January for government employees. At the end of 2021, in Canada, the Ontario government passed such a law for companies with more than 25 employees.
Source: Forbes
The list
Happiness at work

Smile you are at workby Pierre Cote
The book Smile you are at work, by Pierre Cote, recently published, presents the Rankings of professions according to the Léger happiness at work index, first published in the spring of 2021. To establish it, we took into account factors such as overtaking, remuneration, belonging, recognition, balance and work climate. Here are the top ten places:
- Dentiste
- Real estate broker
- Hairdresser
- Self-employed
- Professional coach
- Speaker/Trainer/Facilitator
- Director
- Pharmacist
- Architect
- An accountant
Source: Smile you are at work