Léa Salamé: When her relationship with Raphaël Glucksmann was revealed on TV!

Léa Salamé is one of the most famous cathodic figures of political journalism in this year 2022, it is she who will also co-host the debate between two rounds between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron. On the television and radio fronts, she covers the presidential campaign with remarkable energy, having to make temporary sacrifices within her family life. Star of the PAF, she saw her notoriety explode with her participation in the show of Laurent Ruquier, We are not in bed from 2014. A celebrity who goes hand in hand with the spotlight on his love life. It was, moreover, his colleague who had “balance” her relationship with the politician Raphaël Glucksmann, father of her son Gabriel.

Back in March 2017. On the set ofWe are not in bed, Laurent Ruquier has revealed who was the father of the future baby of Léa Salamé, at the time on maternity leave. Carried away by his momentum as a host, he revealed to the cameras the name of the lover of his former collaborator, wanting to bounce back on the relationship of journalists Jean-Jacques Bourdin and Anne Nivat, whose love at first sight took place during from an interview:We had uh… Léa Salamé with Glucksmann on this set! The love stories between the interviewees and the people we interview, it happens, that’s it!“An open secret because Yann Moix had already made allusions to MEP Glucksmann, when he was invited in October 2016, recalling that it was on this set that he had met the political columnist, without naming her .

Léa Salamé was not too angry with Laurent Ruquier, since he is once again his television accomplice for the show We are live, always for France 2. She has fun with the little allusions to her couple that persist, without forgetting to set limits. Parents of a blended family – Raphaël Glucksmann had a first boy with politics Eka Zgouladze, Léa Salamé and the politician almost never appear together. If they allowed themselves a red carpet at Cannes hand in hand in 2017, they will limit themselves to discreet marks of affection on social networks.

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