Léa Salamé was the companion of a very discreet writer for ten years!

Lea Salame presents this Saturday a new issue of What an era! on France 2 always accompanied by Philippe Caveriviere and its quirky section Phil Pol and Christophe Dechavanne as a permanent guest.

Léa Salamé has also been part of the France 2 family for eight years. Revealed to the general public by the program We are not in bed presented by Laurent Ruquier and which she joined in 2014, the 43-year-old journalist and presenter has since presented numerous programs on this channel, including The Political Program, It’s your turn to speak, Amazing! and also We are live as a co-presenter.

But before becoming the famous presenter that we know, Léa Salamé was married for ten years with another journalist who is also a writer, Olivier Guez. Aged 48, the latter has worked as a journalist for international media such as the New York Times but also French like The world, Le Figaro Magazine, The Express or Point.

A very discreet writer that Léa Salamé still supports

A discreet man and visibly as busy as his ex-girlfriend who dedicated these tender words to him in December 2015 during the Women in Gold ceremony where she was crowned Woman in Gold in the Media category: “He’s the person who supports me every day and who doesn’t understand why I wake up at 5 a.m., why I work so much, why I’m overworked, who doesn’t understand why we don’t go more often take a walk, see the churches in Italy or walk around in Buenos Aires. That’s why honey, it’s because I’m addicted to my job and I love it above all”.

Although for several years in a relationship with Raphael Glucksmannfather of her son Gabriel, born March 12, 2017, Léa Salamé had discreetly supported her ex-spouse with a tweet published on April 28, 2020. He had released a book titled The Disappearance of Josef Mengele for which he was awarded the Renaudot prize in November 2017. melancholy of travelnice text by Olivier Guez in Le Point“, had written his ex-companion.

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