Léa Salamé very tense facing Eric Zemmour: Complicated discussions on “Elysée 2022”

Seven years after having discussed the book very intensely The French Suicide in We are not lying in 2014, Léa Salamé and Eric Zemmour find themselves in front of the cameras. The context is however different since it is about the political program Elysee 2022, broadcast less than five months before the election for the Presidency of the Republic. Significant pressure on the two French personalities who did not hide their disagreements. Orchestral mistress of the show, the host has framed several times the candidate of Reconquest !, bluntly. On social networks, the detractors of the specialist in political and social facts have not spared her.

If professionalism is essential between Léa Salamé and Eric Zemmour who know each other well for having worked together, it is undeniable that the atmosphere was electric on the set ofElysee 2022. Alongside Laurent Guimier who took over from Thomas Sotto – he withdrew from political broadcasts after the revelation of his relationship with Jean Castex’s collaborator Mayada Boulos – the journalist did not show preferential treatment for the one who was his colleague in It argues.

Illustration with the sequence where Léa Salamé reminds Eric Zemmour what he said about the LR primary winner Valérie Pécresse some time ago. He felt that she had only had a ministerial career because she was a woman with Ruth Elkrief on LCI. Once again, the reactionary polemicist rebels when he is put back on the set of sentences he has held, taken out of context: “I never said that … It must have been in another discussion. You are not going to start, to take a sentence from me, taken out of context and make me comment on it, I will not work.“Later, Léa Salamé brutally cuts the word to the essayist who would like to be president when he talks about his number of sponsorships in order to be able to campaign. Assuming to be afraid of not having enough, Eric Zemmour would like to develop the subject, but his host refuses, without looking up: “No you already have and this is not the place. “

Very active on social networks and in particular Twitter, Eric Zemmour’s supporters were very inclined to comment on Léa Salamé’s performance, describing her as “surly” and “biased“with the guest. He is also quickly criticized for his relationship with Raphaël Glucksmann, chairman of the special commission on foreign interference in all democratic processes of the European Union. Attacks including the author of Powerful women has been used to it since its beginnings and which does not prevent it from carrying out its work with its pugnacity which is as much criticized as praised.

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