Léa Salamé surprises the PCF candidate Fabien Roussel by addressing a very intimate subject!

After Anne Hidalgo, Éric Zemmour and Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, this Thursday, March 24, 2022 the program “Élysée 2022” (France 2) gave the floor to five other candidates for the presidential election. The two journalists Léa Salamé and Laurent Guimier therefore welcomed Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Fabien Roussel, Jean Lassalle, Nathalie Arthaud and Valérie Pécresse so that they could present their program and discuss among themselves.

The five candidates also had to answer a few questions from the journalists… And among these questions, there is one that left the candidate of the French Communist Party speechless…

Indeed, while he was preparing to exchange with the economist Sandrine Rousseau present on the set, the deputy Fabien Roussel was surprised by a funny question from Léa Salamé. “A question, Fabien Roussel. Do you do the dishes at home? »she asked him point blank.

” Of course yes. But finally, what is this question? Am I asking you if you do the dishes at home? »replied the political candidate all the same, visibly incomprehension in the face of such a private question.

“Well the answer is yes”concluded Raphaël Glucksmann’s companion, who hastened to explain that this question was related to Sandrine Rousseau’s proposal to create a “crime of non-sharing of domestic tasks”.

Lisa Ziane

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