Léa Salamé soon fired? The host balances everything…

It is alone that Léa Salamé will now have the heavy task of occupying the Saturday slot from the start of the school year in the second part of the evening on France 2. Laurent Ruquier, with whom she co-hosted “We are live”, decided not to continue the adventure, even if he will always be present on France 2. “I tried, but despite my natural understanding with Léa Salamé, I consider the exercise too frustrating. Thank you again to the viewers for being so faithful to me for all these years. Thank you to the known or less known artists, writers, singers, comedians and comedians for trusting me to offer more visibility to their cultural activities. I will miss themt“, he explained on social networks.

If the 42-year-old journalist seems very comfortable and continues her television career with panache, the companion of Raphaël Glucksmann is however far from displaying an unfailing confidence. This is what she confided to Michel Cymes during an interview for the program “Dr Good”. “The biggest fear in my life was the fear of losing. Fear of failing, fear of failure. I think that’s the thing that terrified me the most. Maybe because I come from somewhere else. Perhaps because I arrived in France at the age of five. Maybe because I had to fight to make my place and to have it. Until now, I’m afraid it will actually stop. I’m afraid that tomorrow I’ll be fired”she shared.

Aware of having a strong responsibility from the start of the school year, Léa Salamé believes that she has a one in two chance of succeeding in this perilous exercise. “I’m going to launch the Saturday evening show alone since Laurent Ruquier stops, I tell everyone: ‘It’s 50/50, 50% chance that I’ll succeed, 50% chance that I’ll fail’ ”, she said. The future will tell…

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