Léa Salamé mother of Gabriel: she celebrates the 5 years of her “baby of love”

Immersed in the presidential campaign and in the coverage of the war in Ukraine, Léa Salamé does not seem to have a minute to herself. A more than busy schedule for the 42-year-old journalist and presenter who does not spare herself on the radio, on France Inter, or on television in We are live as in Elysee 2022. Her political guests don’t give her any presents – Eric Zemmour keeps referring her to her Lebanese origins – and the news affects her so much that she can’t always hide her emotion. She was thus in tears on the radio after a column by her colleague on the fate of civilians in Ukraine. In this tense context, she manages to find moments of breathing space with her family. This is how she joyfully celebrated the fifth birthday of her son Gabriel.

On her Instagram account, Léa Salamé published in story an image of the very pretty cakes made for her boy’s 5th birthday, the fruit of her relationship with the politician and essayist Raphaël Glucksmann. In the caption, she writes:My baby [bébé] at 5.“His son is obviously a fan of superheroes, Spider-man in the first place but also the entire Avengers clan represented on paper plates. One of the pastries is also a rainbow, a little color and poetry in this rough world where our children grow up.

Mother of Gabriel and mother-in-law of Alexandre, first child of his lover with his ex-wife, Eka Zgouladze, Léa Salamé had admitted in an interview for TV Magazine that his professional life had a complicated impact on his family life: “It’s been seven years since I’ve been present with my son and my son-in-law for breakfast… It hurts my heart and it’s very hard (…) I made a pact with the children by telling them that I will be more absent this year because of the presidential election, and I have promised them that I will be more available once this election is over. It’s my choice, I can’t complain and I’m not going to whine, because there are jobs much more difficult than mine.”

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