Léa Salamé makes a shocking announcement about Luc Besson, supposed to come on the set of “Quelle époque” this evening!

He comes out of the silence. This Saturday, September 23, 2023, Luc Besson will be Léa Salamé’s guest in What an era! (France 2). On the occasion of the release of his new film Dogmana thriller which will be released on September 27, 2023, the director indeed accepted the invitation from Raphaël Glucksmann’s partner.

A new project that the man of cinema will obviously discuss on set… But not only that! A few hours before the broadcast of the new issue of the weekly show, the Twitter account of What an era!clarified that Luc Besson “will return in particular to the accusations which targeted him”.

Also see: Léa Salamé announces that she is putting her career on hold for her companion Raphaël Glucksmann and his new challenge!

A dismissal confirmed on appeal

As a reminder, following Sand Van Roy’s complaint for rape against the filmmaker on May 18, 2018, a dismissal of the case was pronounced in December 2021, then confirmed by the Court of Appeal in May 2022. A consolation for the 64-year-old man who was targeted by the Belgian-Dutch actress in full movement #Metoo. His wife, Virginie Silla, had also expressed her relief to our colleagues at Paris Match at the time.

“I knew that Luc had neither raped nor drugged anyone. I know him too well”, she confided. And to conclude by addressing Sand Von Roy:“How could such a confabulator be able to waste the police and justice system’s time to this extent? I find it revolting that a woman confiscated the noble and necessary cause of real rape victims to settle personal scores and attempt to destroy a man and a family..”


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