Léa Salamé looked in a weighted jumpsuit, she lifts the veil on her farewell with Laurent Ruquier

Léa Salamé opens a new chapter on France 2 for this start of the school year with the kick-off of What an era!the channel’s new talk show, which replaces We are live which she co-hosted so far with Laurent Ruquier. She confided in particular on the departure of the host, in the columns of TV Mag, making the cover of the magazine in an elegant dress with weights.

Did you kill the father?“asked the reporter.”He won’t like you calling him my father!” she replied, letting out a few laughs. “No, because he himself decided to leave this box. I loved working alongside her as a co-presenter. And I could have continued this duo for a long time, because we have a natural understanding and I have a lot of admiration for him.” she added before explaining that she understood his choice. “He explained to me behind the cameras that he felt frustrated which I can understand as he carried on Saturday nights alone for sixteen years!“.

“I half liked it”

The 42-year-old host, now alone in the animation for the Saturday show, then finds herself facing “a real challenge“. She is fully aware of the issues that arise from it. “The pressure is on but it doesn’t paralyze me because I’m excited to show who I really am on this show.” clarified the companion of Raphaël Glucksmann, with whom she is married and mother of a little boy named Gabriel, born on March 12, 2017.

But if the journalist from France Televisions is brought to explain this change while the departure of Laurent Ruquier has been recorded since June, it is because many rumors assuming that they do not support each other have fueled this news during of the last few months. But they were immediately swept away by the two facilitators. The real reason for this departure would be linked to the fact that the companion of Hugo Manos did not feel entirely comfortable in the role of co-host. I liked it halfway, and when I love halfway I prefer to leave” he said recently on the set of TPMP.

This decision would therefore have nothing to do with his relationship with the journalist. On the contrary, they believe they have a very good understanding.

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