Léa Salamé FINALLY comes out of silence and evokes the departure of Laurent Ruquier from “We are live”

Last June, Laurent Ruquier announced sad news to viewers ofWe are live. After years of good and loyal service on France 2, the companion of Hugo Manos has chosen to return his apron. ” I never managed to make it completely what I wanted (from the show, editor’s note) because of the pandemic […] I was unhappy “, he explained recently in the columns of the Parisian. If he had started alone at the controls, the host had very quickly been joined by Léa Salamé. Despite a ” true complicity “, the journalist could not have made her sidekick listen to reason. The reason ? Although they got along well, they never managed to coordinate. ” I quickly understood that it was very complicated to host a talk show for two added Laurent Ruquier. Since the announcement of the host’s departure, the young woman had not wished to speak. Today, she finally breaks the silence.

” I am not happy “

Guest of Michel Cymès for his podcast The intimate, Léa Salamé spoke for the first time on the departure of her partner this Saturday, July 9. And according to the companion of Raphaël Glucksmann, the presenter of Big heads had already expressed his wish to leave the show long before making the decision. ” I think I will stop. I am not happy “, he would have let go. ” Questions from producers it seemed impossible to do the show he wanted to do “. Besides, he didn’t appreciate having to share the set. The co-hosting, that’s what Laurent Ruquier doesn’t like “explained Léa Salamé to the creator of Dr. Good.

He doesn’t want to get pissed off. He has proven enough. He wants to have a program in his hand, which looks like him. Not necessarily to share, to wait for Léa to do her interview with Michel Cymès and then send the interview with Gad Elmaleh “Added the main concerned before continuing:” But what is fun, originally, the co-presentation, it was he who had the idea. Three years ago “. An idea that he very quickly regretted: I loved you as a columnist, but sharing as a co-presenter frustrates me “, he would have confided to his colleague. Léa Salamé, for her part, believes that she would have ” could continue for years with him “.


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