Léa Salamé as a couple: How did she meet Raphaël Glucksmann?

After a short break with the end of the presidential elections, Léa Salamé took over the controls of her political prime time alongside Laurent Guimier for the legislative elections, now called France 2022. This Thursday, June 16, it ensures the number of the between-two-turns which promises to be tight between the presidential majority and the left union, Nupes. An ever more intense rhythm for the one who is also in We are live on France 2 on Saturday evenings and on the radio every morning on France Inter. Time for her private life and in particular her son Gabriel (5 years old), she still has some even if she admits that the days are busy. His companion Raphaël Glucksmann, very invested in politics, can only validate his professionalism. But how did his two personalities meet? Simply during an interview!

The talkative Yann Moix, writer and ex-columnist ofWe are not in bed, had thus made strong allusions to their couple, then unknown, in 2016, on television. Raphaël Glucksmann was one of the guests, who came to promote his new essay, Our France (Editions Allard). He explained his first time on the set of the show, the day after the attacks of November 13, 2015. With a smile on his face and a teasing air, Yann Moix could not help but retort: ​​”It’s not just me you’ve met, by the way… If I may say so!“A sentence that made Laurent Ruquier laugh a lot, who clearly understood the innuendo of his polemicist who alluded to the sniper of the time, Léa Salamé.

A year later, it was Laurent Ruquier who did it again with winks, bouncing on the meeting between Jean-Jacques Bourdin and Anne Nivat, whose love at first sight took place during an interview. : “We had uh… Léa Salamé with Glucksmann on this set! Love stories between the interviewees and the people we interview, it happens, that’s it!

Parents of a blended family – Raphaël Glucksmann had a first boy with the politician Eka Zgouladze. Léa Salamé and the politician almost never appear together. If they allowed themselves a red carpet at Cannes hand in hand in 2017, they will limit themselves to discreet marks of affection on social networks.

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