Léa, one of the 50 victims of the “French Bukkake” site, talks about violence in porn

90% of scenes presented on pornographic sites in France involve criminal offenses, according to a report from the High Council for Equality submitted on Wednesday.

“It’s very painful because it’s rape, it’s kidnapping. I don’t even know how many men have done to me… I wasn’t in a state to know!” Léa, 30, will be a civil party next year in the so-called “French Bukkake” trial, named after the pornographic site of which several managers will appear for, among other things, aggravated rape and pimping.

>> Sexual violence in the porn industry: what we know about the “French Bukkake” affair

90% of the scenes presented on the main pornographic sites in France involve criminal offenses, according to a report from High Council for Equality delivered Wednesday September 27 to the Minister Delegate for Equality between Women and Men. The HCE studied for several months tens of thousands of scenes intended for an ever-widening audience, including minors, with 14 million monthly visitors for the main French porn site. He calls for measures from the government and legislators on what he calls “porncrime”.

“It’s sent to us and reminded of it constantly”

Léa is one of the 50 victims of the “French Bukkake” site. She says she was tricked into finding herself at the center of very violent and degrading porn scenes which still continue to circulate several years later, which further adds to her suffering. “We’re being sent screenshots even though I’ve never tried to look at it myself, obviously, regrets the young woman. It doesn’t stop the moment it’s done, it’s sent to us, constantly reminded, mocked… It’s torture for life.”

>> “French Bukkake” affair: the ploy which made it possible to recruit dozens of “actresses” for porn videos

Léa, who had filed a complaint just a few days after filming, requested, so far in vain, the removal of these scenes which we know are frequently re-edited and resold from one site to another. “Trafficking in human beings, acts of barbarism, gang rapes… It is unacceptable and it should not have happened, it should no longer happen,” recalls Liza Del Sierra, a former professional porn actress, now a producer of X-rated films.

“The Fantasy Police”

“But, be careful, consent also allows certain women to enjoy their bodies, to perform scenes which may seem unacceptable for the morals of certain people, but which are unacceptable for them, adds Liza Del Sierra. We must therefore supervise the profession to avoid abuses. But we must not play fantasy police.”

Among the proposals of High Council for Equalitywe find the attribution of an administrative police role to Pharos, the platform of the Ministry of the Interior, so that it can request the removal or blocking of any scene seriously affecting the integrity of a person .

Léa, 30 years old, victim of the pornographic site “French Bukkake” – Report by Alain Gastal

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