Léa François on stage: her daughter Louison cheers her on video and it’s so cute

Double pressure for Léa François this Sunday, March 27. The actress, revealed in the series More beautiful life on France 3, is mounted on the boards of the cultural center Jacques Prévert de Villeparisis to give the reply to Alex Goude and Jane Resmond in Hide me if you can by Sacha Judaszko. This performance was a little more important than the others since the public had something special that evening. Indeed, at the end of the play, while the spectators were cheering the trio on for their talent, Léa François spoke up: “It was very special for me because I grew up in Seine-et-Marne here and I had a lot of people I knew in the room, it’s a lot of emotion.“On the images unveiled in the story of the young woman, we can see who took all the place in her heart that evening: her daughter Louison. The little girl with golden curls could not be more proud of her mom, to whom she shouts “Bravo” too cute in the middle of the applause.

In September 2019, Léa François gave birth to her first child Louison. A real “tsunami“of happiness that she mentioned in the magazine Gala a few months after his birth:I was prepared. With my partner, we wanted this baby. I had the chance to live the first six months of my daughter’s life by her side, without working.“Where some couples struggle after the arrival of a child, Léa François and her spouse have come out of it like leaders.

The lucky winner who stole the heart of the pretty Léa François is called Simon and this is the only information that the actress gave of him. The couple does not date from yesterday but is part of time. In November 2020, the interpreter of the character of Barbara Enot in More beautiful life celebrated his twelve years of love with his darling by using the words of a song by Ben Mazué: “It’s been twelve years since you passed before my eyes, twelve years since I tell myself that this is the best thing that has happened to me.“On this occasion, Léa François had even revealed the face of her companion. The one and only time.

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