Léa Drucker in a relationship with Julien Rambaldi: “I have nothing to hide”

While Léa Drucker has just concluded a professional collaboration with her companion, the director Julian Rambaldithe actress indulged in a few confessions in the new issue of femalein particular on the relationship between his private life and his work.

Multi-award-winning actress, including a César in 2019 for her role in Up to the hilt, Léa Drucker, 50, is pursuing a career rich in success and projects of all kinds. She has just finished filming a second project with the man who has shared her life for many years, and with whom she is raising her granddaughter Martha, born in 2014.

A family life which, ultimately, seems to inspire the couple in their work, as the theme of their next film suggests: “We have just shot Les Femmes du square, a dramatic comedy about nannies, in which I play a mother who carries a rather heavy drama.“The complicity of the couple is seen as an asset for the actress.”The first time, for C’est la vie, I was a little apprehensive about mixing work and private life, but there, I went there knowing that it would be comfortable, because Julien is a filmmaker who knows what he wants. , with whom we have fun, and I have great confidence in his direction” she confided, saluting, in passing, the work of her companion.

The actress tends, through these collaborations, to bring closer the borders between her intimate life and her life as an artist. “It happens quite naturally, because I have nothing to hide. I lead a comfortable but fairly simple and very family-oriented life.” she admits when she is asked about her way of mixing her two lives. “Nevertheless, I make sure to keep a little mystery. My function being to tell stories and blend into the characters, the ideal is to remain neutral, especially regarding one’s opinions. This is also the difficulty of this kind of film, whose theme imposes a form of commitment” she wanted to reassure to remind that she is always able to blend into a character.

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