“Le Journal de Québec” will now be printed in Mirabel

The Journal of Quebec will now be printed from Mirabel, where it is already The Journal of Montreal. The management of the daily announced Thursday the sale of all the operations and equipment of its Quebec printing plant to Quebecor Media Printing.

The decision “was not easy to make”, maintains the publisher and editor of the Quebec newspaper, Sébastien Ménard, in a note to readers and advertisers, published online Thursday morning. However, it was necessary to “ensure the sustainability of the Quebec newspaper “, considering the “metamorphosis that the world of media is undergoing and the unfair competition that the web giants deliver to traditional media combined with that of Radio-Canada”.

This upcoming change will therefore make it possible to concentrate the printing of Quebecor’s two daily newspapers in one place. However, this will lead to the layoff of press operators and shippers, indicates Mr. Ménard, without specifying the number of people who will be affected. “We would like to sincerely thank them for all the efforts and work accomplished during the years they have devoted to the Journal. »

However, he wishes to reassure readers: The Journal of Quebec will continue to be printed six days a week and delivered daily. They will even now be entitled to a “full color” printed edition. They will also soon discover in the pages of the daily “new appointments” concerning the news of the capital, in particular in connection with sports or culture.

On the other hand, the relocation of the printing of the daily newspaper will make it necessary to advance the deadline and therefore to adapt the coverage of events taking place in the evening. These events will still be covered by journalists, but their articles will only be available in the digital version of the newspaper.

Less than a month ago, Quebecor had already announced the end of the Sunday paper edition of Montreal Journal and Jnewspaper of Quebec from 2023, once again due to “globalized competition from the giants of the Web” and difficulties in recruiting street vendors.

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