“Le grimoire d’Elfie – Le dit des cicadas”

For this Wednesday, I chose to talk to you about a very nice and modern comic book. It’s called “Le grimoire d’Elfie” and it’s already volume 2.

In the first one we discovered 3 orphan sisters who lived with their aunt and who finally made their way in a London bus converted into a mobile bookstore. They each have their own personality, the eldest is Louette, she is 18 years old, with a strong character and has been able to take care of the little ones. The youngest is Magda who is 12 years old, she is very girly and wears a prosthesis after a fire. The youngest is Elfie, a sort of female Harry Potter who has a passion for origami. She was also able to recover the grimoire of her late mother and discovers that by writing in the blank pages, her folds come to life. In volume 1, they had succeeded in solving an investigation in Brittany while managing the problems that all teens in the world have: loneliness, first flirtation, difference, problems between sisters.

So here we are again this trio of shock in new adventures, always in France which is very pleasant! This time, the sisters land in Provence, in a Lubéron village where it is very hot because it is the end of summer. And the plot is interested in the mother of three daughters. The scenario and once again on the spot in the current preoccupations of young people, there is also the pleasure of a mystery to be unraveled and the pleasure of having the impression of knowing the three girls as if they were part of our family.

Well done to Audrey Alwett and Christophe Arleston who are the two writers! And as for the hat drawing to Minnie Ludvin who comes from animation and who tells us that she would have dreamed of living the same adventures as the girls. The stroke is done by computer. He is fair what it takes girly without ever being too touting.

In fact the drawing is very attractive and reminds me of the love I had for my 80s-90s Japanese cartoons with the side made in France in addition. A treat for all ages.

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