LE GOUT DU LARGE 2021 in PORT en BESSIN-HUPPAIN on November 6 and 7!

The Taste of the Large Port in Bessin-Huppain
© portenbessinhuppain

There will be many of us at the Portuguese auction Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 November from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. As every year, the professional auction will exceptionally open its doors to the general public. About twenty boats will land there and sell direct scallops and other fishery products. Sailors and their families will welcome and advise visitors as they wish. Fishmongers and fishmongers will complete the already wide range of fishermen.

Le Goût du Large, its pros and gourmets ...
Le Goût du Large, its pros and gourmets …
The Taste of the Sea © portenbessinhuppain

For gourmets and perfectionists, Flyin’chef sets up its mobile kitchen on the quay and offers you a fun, gourmet and original experience around recipes highlighting the real Normandy scallops and with it, the good ones. shots of Norman fish. Little-known fish, sometimes forgotten, while abundant on the Normandy coast… Quai Philippe Oblet, at the entrance to the auction – Saturday and Sunday – from 10 am to 12 noon and from 2 to 6.30 pm. Discover the good plans of Norman fish: Gurnard, pout, dogfish, sea bream, conger … fish that are worth returning to our plates!

Le Goût du Large to cook the sea together
Le Goût du Large to cook the sea together
© portenbessinhuppain

Guided tours of the port, mending demonstrations, sea trips on La Belle de Carentan, rescue demonstrations with the SNSM, two air rescue demonstrations with the intervention of an air force helicopter (FENNEC) and the local SNSM crew, but also conferences … and strolls or concerts to perfect the atmosphere of this new edition of Goût du Large 2021!

For more information, meet at the Senghor cultural center, 2 rue du Croiseur Montcalm, 02 31 21 92 33. During both days, ticket office on site

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