Le Cyclo Bleu is an itinerant bike repairer in Montpellier

Cyclo Blue it’s the name of the company inscribed on Jean-Luc Heiser’s blue cargo bike. This mobile bike repairman travels throughout Montpellier to repair flat tires or derailed chains. Interview with Jean-Luc Heiser.

What do you have in your blue cargo bike to go fix the bikes?

I have all the necessary parts for the first repairs. In this case, I have a case with pads to replace the pads that are worn out. I have another case that contains everything that is cable to change the cables of the brakes and derailleurs. I also have derailleur and brake housings. I have a lot of hardware from things like that because bikes can miss screws.

What types of repairs can we call on you for?

They can call me for a flat tire. Often people call me when they have a flat tire. You can call me for a brake adjustment, a derailleur adjustment, a complete adjustment of the bike. I can also be called for a bike cleaning or for routine maintenance of the bike.

Everywhere in Montpellier?

Everywhere in Montpellier and its crown. I can intervene depending on where my battery allows me to go because it’s a bike that’s still quite heavy. So, yes, I have the legs, but if I don’t have the drums, I think I can’t go very far. So I can go as far as Saint-Jean-de-Védas or Jacou, possibly.

We can call you. Do you come directly to the site, where it suits the person?

Exactly. Depending on the repair that needs to be done, I can either intervene immediately and redo the repairs immediately. If there’s not too much to see, if I don’t need too many coins. Sometimes I don’t have all the pieces with me, unfortunately. But if not, I can come and draw up an estimate and offer this estimate. If we agree, I move again to see the person and do what is necessary on his bike.

A blue cargo bike in Montpellier, does that call out?

The idea is that it challenges. That’s why I called my company, Le Cyclo bleu, because my bike is blue and I wanted people to be able to memorize the color of my bike in the name of my company.

How did you come up with the idea of ​​becoming a mobile bike repairer?

Already, I have always loved cycling. Since I was little, I have ridden a lot by bike. And then I wanted to do a passionate job where I could meet people and at the same time feel outside, be in the open air and combine sport and work.

Jean-Luc du Cyclo Blue
can intervene on a bike repair from Monday to Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Just call him on 07 82 72 71 56. Interventions by Cyclo Bleu can cost from 15 to 35 euros depending on the complexity of the repair.


source site-38