Nearly six million Ukrainians have already fled their country since the start of the Russian invasion three months ago. About 70,000 have found refuge in France, including nearly 3,200 in the Bas-Rhin.
Many have since tried to integrate. And some have even already found work. The four seasons farm in Eckwersheim, for example, hired six refugees as agricultural workers.
Including a couple of lawyers who arrived from kyiv two months ago.
Lidia was a notary’s clerk, and Viatcheslav a lawyer specializing in the defense of handicapped children, in particular the deaf and dumb. Today, they have become agricultural workers. “It’s very different for us. We understand that it will not be otherwise until we have had our diplomas certified, until we have learned the language. So it’s temporary at least to have a little fun and to help this country which has given us security and which has welcomed us” Lidia said.
The couple is now based in Entzheim, and comes to work every day in Eckwersheim, on the farm. Their two children will soon go to school in France. “We chose Strasbourg because we knew as jurists that there was the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, and a total of three large structures for the defense of human rights. It also gives prospects for our children, for their studies.” explains Vyacheslav.
– Antoine Balandra
“We arrived here, we didn’t know a word of French. But time has passed. And slowly we learn” smiles Lidia. From now on, the owner of the farm entrusts her with tasks as a saleswoman, at the store of the farm. Lidia therefore learns more and more quickly. “Hello, thank you very much, I have mastered all of this now.” she says.
While waiting to master French, and to one day be able to resume their professions as lawyers in France, the couple immerse themselves in French culture. They have already visited five museums in Strasbourg, with their children, taking advantage of the free days, the first Sundays of the month. And they have already crossed paths with President Emmanuel Macron.
“When there were the elections, Macron came to Strasbourg and I even had the chance to greet him and tell him that it’s very democratic and free here.“explains Viatcheslav. It was during the meeting of the outgoing president, on the castle square, under the windows of the cathedral. The couple was also able to fulfill a dream of their children: to see and visit the Eiffel Tower, in Paris.