lawyers in classes to free the speech of middle school students


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2 min

School harassment: lawyers in the classroom to free the speech of middle school students

This Thursday, November 9 is National Day Against School Bullying. The 13 Heures is interested in an initiative that works to fight against this scourge which pushes some children to suicide, the arrival of lawyers in classes. Some manage to free speech with kind words. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – N. Poitevin, M. Selli, J. Pirès

France Televisions

This Thursday, November 9 is National Day Against School Bullying. The 13 Heures is interested in an initiative that works to fight against this scourge which pushes some children to suicide, the arrival of lawyers in classes. Some manage to free speech with kind words.

He came to talk to them about a subject that affects them all, directly or indirectly. By addressing harassment in front of 52 college students, lawyer Jérôme Gavaudan hopes to provoke reactions. “What would be your definition of harassment? What is harassing someone?” he asks the students. “It’s annoying someone repeatedly.”, replies a college student. It’s about putting words, together, on violence that the law severely represses. “One year in prison and 15,000 euros fine“, recalls the lawyer.

A space of trust

Heavy criminal penalties which raise questions, as in the case of identity theft. The objective of this meeting is also to offer a space of confidence for middle school students to express themselves. And the shy Lucas was able to find courage, admitting for the first time to having been harassed from CP to CE2. A rare intervention which benefits all students, according to the lawyer.

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